Thank you for choosing StudentsHome.Lt (or UAB Turto ekspertai) to be your new home during your studies abroad.
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) are a binding part of the furnished room Lease Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreement) you will sign upon arrival to your destination country. This is important and affects your legal rights so please read them through carefully to know your obligations and rights so that you could enjoy a comfortable stay in StudentsHome.Lt accommodation.
Occasionally StudentsHome.Lt (hereinafter referred to as the Lessor) has the right to make some changes in these GTC. When we do that, you will be informed by email, so keep your email address up to date in our database. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy your stay at StudentsHome.Lt.
- General Provisions
1.1. The Lessor grants the Tenant the right to use the furnished Room (hereinafter referred to as the Room), specified in the signed Agreement and the Tenant undertakes to use the Room and to pay the Rent to the Lessor in accordance to these GTC and the signed Agreement.
1.2. The Parties act in accordance with these GTC, Agreement, additional annexes thereto and the Lithuanian law governing Rental relationships.
1.3. The Tenant ensures purposeful use and maintenance of the Room that the Tenant is granted to use and returns it upon the end of the Agreement.
1.4. The Parties agree to perform all duties and obligations arising from these GTC, Agreement and law in good faith, cooperate with the other Party for the performance of all duties and obligations arising out of the Agreement and refrain from any activity that harms or may harm the interests of the other Party.
- Object of the Agreement
2.1. The object of the Agreement is a furnished Room. The Rent of the Room gives the Tenant the right to use the common-purpose premises as well as the furniture and things located in the mentioned premises (hereinafter referred to as the common areas). The Room and the common areas hereinafter jointly referred to as the Property or StudentsHome.Lt.
- Purpose of the Use
3.1. The Tenant has the right to use the Room only for residential purposes in accordance with the Lithuanian law. Only the Tenant has the right to live in the Room. The Tenant does not have the right to accommodate in the leased Room family members or other parties without the Lessor’s approval. By signing Agreement, the Tenant confirms that they have thoroughly read, understands, and agrees with the internal Property rules which are displayed in the common areas or Rooms.
3.2. The purpose of the Room use is the accommodation of the Tenant in the Room and the keeping of the Tenant’s personal belongings. Economic and professional business activities are not permitted without the respective written consent of the Lessor.
3.3. For the purposes of the Agreement others persons allowed to enter the Room under the responsibility of the Tenant, means any person who is not a party of the Agreement but enters the Room with the Tenant.
- Period of the Agreement
4.1. The Lessor offers time slots of a minimum 5-month lease term, relevant to degree, exchange students and young professionals, etc.
4.1.1 Autumn semester- 1st September to 31st January (5 months)
4.1.2 Spring semester- 1st February to 30th June (5 months)
4.1.3. Free time – 1st July to 31st August (2 months)
4.1.3 Full academic year- 1st September to 30th June (10 months)
4.1.4 Full calendar year- 1st September to 31st August (12 months)
For any other date requests contact
4.2. The Tenant can terminate the current Agreement and enter into the new agreement by sending a request to the Lessor in a written form at least 30 days before the end of the Agreement.
4.3. The Tenant will have the right to move in before the beginning of the Agreement by informing the Lessor in a written form at least 30 days before the respective date of move-in or move-out of the Agreement. The Lessor shall allow this only based on the Rooms availability and Tenants Agreement to comply with the market daily rate.
- Handing over
5.1. The Room shall be handed over to the Tenant by the date specified in the Agreement (1.4.) (hereinafter referred to as Handover Date). If the Tenant is provided with the Room earlier or later the date of the handover shall be referred to as the Handover Date.
5.2. For the purposes of these GTC, the handing over of the Room to the Tenant means offering the set of keys from the Room to the Tenant and granting the Tenant actual possession of the Room. The Lessor will hand the Room over to the Tenant on the date of the Agreement (1.4) entry into force if other dates are not agreed by the Parties.
5.3. Parties agree that signed Agreement and GTC are also the Deed of transfer the Room and no other document will be signed.
5.4. Check-in time takes place from 14:00 p.m. For late check-in after 18:00 p.m. an additional fee – 20 EUR applies.
5.5. Check out time takes place until 12:00 a.m. For late check out an additional fee 20EUR shall applies and can be withheld from the security deposit. Check out is referred to as the time the Room key is returned to administration.
5.6. Room inspection takes place upon entering and returning the Room.
- Rent amount
6.1. The Rent amount (Rental fee) for using the Room is set in the signed Agreement (1.5).
6.2. The Lessor has the right to raise the Rent once per calendar year. Before raising the Rent the Lessor will inform the Tenant about the raise at least 30 calendar days in advance and specify the actual date when the Rent rises. Based on this information Tenant has the right to cancel the Agreement without any financial impact by informing the Lessor 30 days in advance before the new Rental policy will take effect.
6.3. When the Rental fee increases, the amount of the security deposit is also changed and the Tenant is obligated to pay the additional amount of the security deposit no later than by the first due date of the increased Rent.
6.4. Every calendar year as of the 1st of January 2023, without a separate notice to the Tenant, the Rental fee shall be adjusted proportionally to the change of harmonised index of consumer prices in Lithuania during the last year (LICP) or other duly authorised institution, i.e. comparing LICP of the December month of the last year and LICP of the December month of the precedent year (e.g. as of 1st January of 2023 the Rent fee shall be adjusted proportionally to the change of LICP comparing LICP of the December month of 2022 and LICP of the December month of 2021) according to the following formula: respective old fee x change of LICP determined in percent + respective old fee = respective new fee. Upon change of the standard of LICP, the Parties shall apply other official statistic indicators that are the most similar by their contents and purpose to LICP. In any case the Rental fee due to the adjustment referred to in the present clause may not be lower than the Rent amount before the last adjustment respectively.
- Penalties
7.1. The Tenant undertakes to pay an additional fine for each incident:
- 40 EUR for issuing a new key, if the originally provided one has been broken/lost;
- 50 EUR as a debt management fee if the payment for Room has not been received by the 10th day from date of the invoice issued;
- 50 EUR fine for unauthorised night guests;
- 50 EUR fine for disruption and noise;
- 50 EUR fine for not abiding and not following indoor rules;
- 100 EUR for smoking in the StudentsHome.Lt property, including indoors and balconies and/or for uninstalling or covering a smoke detector;
- 100 EUR fine per person for disturbing the peace during the hours of 22:00 to 8:00;
- 100 EUR fine for the removal of items placed in the common areas;
- 200 EUR fine for bringing extra appliances and furniture into the Room without the Lessor’s permission.
The Tenant undertakes to compensate any damage caused in the Rooms and common areas to the extent that they are not covered by the specified fines mentioned above.
7.2. The termination of the Agreement will take place immediately if:
- Harassment to StudentsHome.Lt members of staff, including verbal and physical abuse and threats;
- Damage to property which exceeds the value of 250 EUR;
- Disruption of peace repeatedly;
- Theft;
- Incurrence of any debt;
- Security Deposit
8.1. All payments by the Tenant under this Agreement are secured by a 2-month Rental fee deposit (hereinafter – the Deposit), which the Tenant must transfer to the Lessor’s specified account within 3 working days after the date of signing this Agreement. The amount of the Deposit will be indexed due to inflation.
8.2. If the Tenant does not fulfil or is late in fulfilling any obligation to the Lessor, including the obligation to pay the Rent fee, other costs, defaults and/or any other payments under the Agreement for more than 10 working days, the Lessor (as a creditor) acquires the right to direct the resulting indebtedness of the Lessee collection to the Deposit. The parties expressly agree that when the Lessor starts collection from the Deposit, it will be considered that the Deposit (or its part is sufficient to cover overdue obligations) is transferred to the Lessor’s property, and the Lessor has the right to use the Deposit in the prescribed manner.
8.3. After the end or termination of the Agreement and the Tenant has properly fulfilled all the obligations provided in the Agreement or arising from it, the unused Deposit (its corresponding unused part) minus (-) the cleaning fee (40 EUR per person) must be returned to the Tenant within 30 (thirty) days from the proper fulfilment of all the Tenant’s obligations. Pledge of the Deposit is deemed to have expired from the moment of proper fulfilment of all the Lessee’s obligations.
8.4. The Deposit is non-refundable if the Tenant terminates the contract before the due date without complying with the notice periods. In this case, the Deposit will be treated as compensation for the Lessor’s losses.
- Payment
9.1. The parties agree that the Tenant will pay the Rent fee to the Lessor for the current month by the 7th (seventh) day of the month, by transferring the corresponding amounts to the Lessor’s bank account according to the invoice provided by the Lessor. The Lessor undertakes to submit to the Tenant invoice no later than the 1st (first) day of the current month. If the Lessor is late in submitting the invoice to the Tenant, the Tenan must inform the Renter of such a situation.
9.2. The Tenant must pay the Rent fee and Deposit prior to the move-in date as specified in the Agreement (1.4).
9.3. All payments specified in the Agreement and GRC are made in euro (EUR).
- Rights and Duties of the Parties
10.1. The Parties has the right to demand from each other to perform the duties and obligations established in the Agreement and GTC.
10.2. In addition to other rights set in the Agreement and GTC, the Lessor has the right to:
10.2.1. Enter the Room by unlocking the door if it is necessary in order to ensure the compliance with the GTC, in order to accommodate new residents, to perform urgent repairs or in case of emergency and when the Tenant is out or does not allow the Lessor employee to enter;
10.2.2. Confiscate the keys/key cards from persons who have not received authorisation to use the Room;
10.2.3. Enter contracts of use of the Property with other persons, depending on the number of residents that the property can accommodate;
10.2.4. Demand debt management fee (50 EUR) if the Rent fee is not received in the bank by the 10th day from the date an invoice was issued;
10.2.5. Demand Tenant to move from one twin shared room to another twin shared room, if the Tenant lives in a twin shared room alone and do not want to pay for twin shared room;
10.2.6. Place Tenant into a twin shared room (if possible) considering Tenant’s age, gender and cultural background;
10.2.7. Change the Tenant’s room in accordance to the needs of the Property;
10.2.8. Prevent access to the Tenants’ room if the Tenant has inquired more than 50 EUR debt to the company;
10.2.9. Complete emergency work on the premises without due notice;
10.2.10. Refuse service to anyone;
10.2.11. Has other rights provided for in legal acts.
10.3. In addition to other rights set in the Agreement and GTC, the Tenant has the right to:
10.3.1. Demand that the Renter provides information relating to the Room and the use thereof;
10.3.2. Ask to change the Room if the assigned Room does not meet the discussed requirements;
10.3.3. Ask to change the Room without reason (if possible) for a 50 EUR service fee.
10.4. The Lessor undertakes to:
10.4.1. Grant the Tenant to use the Property that constitutes the Room, including 1 set of keys;
10.4.2. Invoice the Tenant for the Rent fee.
10.5. The Tenant obligates to:
10.5.1. Use the Room and the Property’s common areas responsibly;
10.5.2. Ensure they are always maintaining a clean and tidy space;
10.5.3. Follow the instructions, directives and precepts of the Lessor’s representative and the internal rules of accommodation, fire safety rules and other rules;
10.5.4. Coordinate with the Lessor in writing all alterations in the Room and in the Property’s common areas;
10.5.5. The Tenant must immediately orally (and then as soon as possible – in writing) inform the Lessor about the accident or failure that occurred in the Room, building and/or Property and/or in their engineering systems, malfunctions of the aforementioned systems and their consequences, as well as about the building and (or ) deterioration of the condition of the Lessor’s equipment or facilities installed in the Room, Property and/or in them, or circumstances that may cause or cause damage to the rented Room and/or Property, building, etc., and take appropriate immediate measures for the accidents, breakdowns, disturbances and their consequences specified in this point eliminate and/or prevent further damage;
10.5.6. To assume material responsibility for the preservation and maintenance of the Tenant’s property transferred to the Lessor and to compensate for the damage or repair costs, to the extent that this is not covered by the Deposit.
10.5.7. Return the property to the Lessor by 12:00 pm and on the date of the end of the Agreement. Return the property to the Lessor within the same condition that the Tenant received it but within the norm of wear and tear;
10.5.8. Pay the Rent fee in the amount and in accordance with the Agreement and GTC;
10.5.9. Compensate all expenses incurred by the Lessor for the recovery of a debt, included but not limited, 50 EUR debt management fee;
10.5.10. Not hand the Room (including the keys) over to other persons without the written consent of the Lessor or Lessor’s representative.
- Liability of the Parties
11.1. The Parties must compensate each other all losses incurred by the other Party as a result of non-performance or improper performance of the Party’s obligations under this Agreement and GTC.
11.2. The Lessor is not liable for the preservation of the Tenant’s property in the Room.
11.3. If the assets in the shared premises (common areas) are not preserved due to the Tenant’s fault, the Tenant will bear material responsibility.
11.4. If the parties are late in paying any fees and/or payments under this GTC and Agreement, interest at the rate of 0.05 % (five hundredths) percent of the unpaid amount shall be paid for each late settlement day.
- Termination of Agreement
12.1. The Lessor has the right unilaterally, without resorting to court, to terminate this GTC before the end of the Term only in the following cases:
12.1.1. If the Tenant uses the Room, Property not according to the purpose specified in the Agreement and GTC;
12.1.2. If the Tenant intentionally or due to carelessness deteriorates the condition of the Premises;
12.1.3. The Tenant does not properly pay the Rent fee and/or other payments provided in the Agreement for more than 10 (ten) days, if such payments remain unpaid after the Lessor has used the Deposit in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Agreement, provided that the Tenant restores the missing amount of the Deposit within 3 working days.
12.1.4. The Tenant uses the Room or Property for illegal activity or in conflict with the purpose of use, including if the Tenant disturbs the peace of other residents of the building or creates noise or other inconveniences and/or breaches terms and conditions;
12.1.5. The Tenant has intentionally or due to negligence damaged the property.
12.1.6. If the Tenant disturbs the peace of other residents of StudentsHome.Lt with their behaviour and this can be certified by an application submitted to the Renter or the authorities (i.e., the police), the Agreement shall be deemed terminated without notice.
12.1.7. The Tenant is otherwise in material breach of the Agreement.
12.2. In case of any violation provided for in paragraph 12.1 of the GTC, the Lessor must, before terminating the Agreement, require the Tenant in writing to correct such violations, giving the Tenant no less than 15 (fifteen) calendar days to correct the violations. The deadline specified in this point for correcting the violations begins to count from the day when the Tenant receives a written request from the Lessor, which specifies the specific violations of the Agreement and the request to correct them. After the defects are corrected, the Lessor loses the right to terminate the Agreement.
12.3. The Tenant has the right unilaterally, without resorting to court, to terminate this GTC before the end of the Term in the following cases:
12.3.1. The Room or their essential part, Property become unsuitable for use for the purposes provided for in this GTC and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement due to the Lessor’s fault;
12.3.2. The Lessor prevents the Tenant from using the Room or their essential part, Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or the Lessor does not fulfil the obligations specified in the Agreement, including, but not limited to, related to the repair of the Room, the elimination of accidents, malfunctions and as a result the Tenant cannot use them for more than 10 calendar days;
12.3.3. The Lessor does not provide the Tenant with electricity, heating, or water on the Property and has not eliminated a breach of the obligation within 30 (thirty) days after receiving a respective notice thereof from the Tenant;
12.3.4. The Lessor is otherwise in material breach of the Agreement.
12.4. In case of any violation provided for in Clause 12.3. of this GTC, before terminating the Agreement, the Tenant must demand in writing from the Lessor to correct such violations, giving the Lessor a period of at least 30 (thirty) calendar days to correct the violations. The Lessor receives a written demand from the Tenant, which indicates specific violations of the Agreement and the requirement to correct them. After the defects are corrected, the Tenant loses the right to terminate the Agreement.
12.5. If the Lessor terminates the Agreement, the Deposit will be refunded to the Tenant.
12.6. With good reason a Party may terminate the signed Agreement extraordinarily with an immediate effect by making a declaration in written form of cancellation provided by the law.
- Return of Premises
13.1. The Tenant must vacate the Room on the date of termination of the Agreement and hand it over to the Renter’s representative. Otherwise, the Renter will have the right to take the following steps:
13.1.1. In the presence of a witness, to enter the Room used by the Tenant;
13.1.2. Clear the Room of the Tenant’s personal belongings, take possession and deliver them to charity organisations and/or dispose of them within 5 days from the Tenant’s departure date.
13.2. If despite advance notice, the Tenant is in refusal to vacate the Room, the Renter will have the right to take measures in accordance with the law in order to vacate the Room.
13.3. The Tenant’s duty to vacate the Room in accordance to the Agreement will be deemed as fulfilled if the Tenant has vacated the Room that was in the possession of the Tenant and any other persons who were allowed to enter the Room under the responsibility of the Tenant and made it possible for the Renter to exercise full possession of the Room, including handed over all the keys that grant access to the Room to the Renter. In the case of the Tenant’s failure to vacate the Room timely, the Tenant agrees to pay the usage fee in the double amount of the daily rates for each day of delay. The Parties agree that the payment of such a fee does not constitute an extension to the period of the Agreement or a conclusion of a new Rental Agreement.
13.4. Regarding the defects that the Renter did not notice upon return of the Room or that the Renter could not be aware of, the Renter will have the right to file complaints against the Tenant within one (1) month.
13.5. Upon the end of the Agreement all costs connected to the Agreement will be debited from security deposit if there are some claims against the Tenant.
- Notices
14.1. All Notices, declaration, requests, claims, explanations, complaints, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the Notices) relating to the Agreement and GTC must be given to the other Party personally against signature, by registered letter or e-mail to the address specified in the Agreement. The Notice sent by e-mail shall be deemed as received from the third working day since the date of its sending.
- Force Majeure
15.1. Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control (including without limitation any acts of restrains of governments or public authorities, war, revolution, riot or civil commotion, disasters or fire (hereinafter referred to as the Force Majeure)) provided that the Party so affected shall send to the other Party a written notice within three (3) days of becoming aware of such Force Majeure event giving full particulars thereof including the date of the first occurrence, the circumstances giving rise to it and an indication of the duration of such circumstances. If the period of delay or failure extends for thirty (30) days or more from the date of notification of the Force Majeure Event to the other Party, either Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement forthwith by written notice.
- Disputes resolution
16.1. This Agreement is governed by the Lithuanian law. The Parties try to resolve all disputes relating to the Agreement and GTC by a way of negotiations. In the absence of an amicable settlement, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled by the courts of the Republic of Lithuania.
- Confidentiality
17.1. The Agreement and single terms thereof are not subject to disclosure to third parties without the consent of the other Party. The Parties must keep the information received based on the Agreement confidential.
17.2. The entire information that would not have been disclosed to the Parties without the conclusion and performance of the Agreement is deemed confidential.
- Miscellaneous
18.1. In matters not regulated by the Agreement, the Parties will follow the Lithuanian law.
18.2. All the terms of the Agreement are independent and separable from one another. The ineffectiveness of a term will not result in that of other terms. The terms of the Agreement, except the Rent (in accordance to this Agreement) may be amended by the Agreement of the Parties.
18.3. All Agreement on the performance, amendment or termination of the Agreement must be drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties. Agreements disregarding this requirement are ineffective.
18.4. The Parties agree to inform immediately the other Party of a change in their address or other contact details specified in the Agreement. In the event of a breach of the duty, the other Party may rely on the (former) contact details known to it upon exercising the rights and performing the duties and obligations relating to the Agreement.
18.5. The GTC have been made in the English language. The Agreement will be made in either English or Lithuanian. In the event of any conflict between the language versions, the English version shall dominate.
- General Data Protection
The Lessor undertakes to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter – the Regulation), the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating the processing of personal data. All information about the processing of personal data you can find on our website